About Cristal!

Greetings Our Sparkletts!
This is Shemelle, Cristal's left cheek, bestie forever, sister in love, the Bob to her Smith! Cristal does not like to talk about herself so I will brag all about her! She is absolutely amazing! She loves everything bling and 3D printing! She is a nerd at her core and we all love this about her. She has been blinging since the IPhone 4 was released...so forever! 
She has the skillset of every crafter I know, but focuses on bling and 3D printing. She loves to create extravagant products for creators to use while they do what makes them happy....blinging! She does her absolute best to provide everyone with the highest quality of rhinestones, templates, 3D prints and sparkling service. Cristal also does custom bling orders by request from pens to motorcycle helmets I have seen it all. 
Cristal is a one person show! She literally does it all with the exception of her tiny Sparkles helping her by sneaking random little prizes in random orders- so do not be surprised if your order contains something a tiny Sparkle felt in their heart to send you. This can range from bags of rhinestones, to keychains, to snacks, or a random toy or drawing.